Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Don't you MESS with my vintage park!"

Or at least that's how it seems the residents of Lake Okojobi, nearby environs, and fans of Arnold's Park kept it afloat.

Picture a small but charming park on the shores of the deep and vast Lake Okojobi. It survived downturns and upheavals, including a devastating tornado in 1968. Still, it remains and it thrives, thanks to the love and support of families and friends and benefactors and people who would NOT accept it being bulldozed to pave the way for condos.

Arnold's Park is park #22 on my Road Trip. Much more to report. But let's just say this: each and every person I spoke with was a fan, a heart-invested fan, and each one said, with pride and a bit of breathlessness, "I helped save this park!"

And that, my friends, is a legacy. A great legacy.

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