Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chicago Tribune article about Santa's Village Azoosment Park - and a bit about "The Cotton Candy Road Trip"!,0,6360507.column

I'm so excited I could leap over candy canes, spin around the North Pole, and make a general spectacle of myself in front of Santa Claus himself!

Last month, Chicago Tribune feature writer Steve Johnson interviewed me at Santa's Village Azoosment Park in East Dundee, IL as part of an article about the resurgence of this beloved area vintage park.  I've been holding my breath for weeks now, but I can finally report the article is out and it's fantastic!  It features interviews not only with me but, even more importantly, the park's general manager Don Holliman, and Phil Wenz, who helped revive the park and compiled an Arcadia Publishing "Santa's Village" historical picture book!  And, I just learned, a writer named Christopher Dearman self-published a book called "Santa's Village Gone Wild!" comprised of stories from the folks who worked there over the years!

Azoosment Parkpalooza!!

Enjoy the article and make sure you pay Santa's Village Azoosment Park a visit this season!

1 comment:

  1. Pam - thanks for the shout-out on this post! I really appreciate it! I'll be sure to check your book out when I get the chance! :)

